
Throughout the year, the church celebrates a variety of festivals and events. They provide special occasions when the community comes together to share and experience happiness and hospitality.

Some of the events are largely secular but enable the church to join and share in festivities, others are more religious, but allow the wider community to give thanks.

The most important thing about all of them is that everyone is welcome and it is a chance share thoughts, give thanks and be a part of the church family.


Bishop Rachel's Visit

Bishop Rachel of Gloucester has made it a priority to visit all the parishes in her diocese. In May it was the turn of the VACE group for a visit and she spent 3 days touring and attending a variety of events. With twelve parishes to visit, she certainly had a busy time and her diary included a benefice communion a Willersey on Sunday morning and a ramble from Dorsington to Pebworth on Sunday afternoon. The walkers set off at 14.30 from Dorsington church before heading west towards Bickmarsh and then back east across the fields towards Pebworth as the bells rang out with a welcoming quarter peal. After a short service in the church – with obligatory tea and cakes to follow, the Bishop went on to Mickleton and a confirmation service for candidates from across the group.


Harvest Festival

The Harvest festival service will generally be around the beginning of October and the church is always decorated with fresh produce.

In a village community Harvest is always a particularly poignant festival as so much of the local land is involved in food production. It is a time where families are encouraged to come along to share thanks for our plentiful supply of food and the children get to take offerings up to be blest.

The Harvest Supper

This is community event, organised by there church and village hall…. a feast with entertainment and a party atmosphere.

From about 19.00 on the evening, crockpots full of boeuf bourginon and dishes of fruit crumble start arriving at the hall as home cooked food arrive fresh from the local family kitchens. 

Everyone gets to eat and drink well in a convivial atmosphere, before enjoying some musical entertainment.

Remembrance Sunday

Like all communities, Pebworth always remembers… It is a poignant moment in the year when we can all pause to reflect on the sacrifices that have been made for our security, freedom and well being.

The church is prepared with the traditional red poppies and perspex silhouettes representing those who never returned are set in amongst the congregation. 

Prior to the service the sombre bells ring out in a plaintive half muffled peal, before the tenor bell tolls the eleven blows to mark the hour and the two minutes of silence, followed by a reading of the names of the men dear to Pebworth who gave their lives.

In addition to the Remembrance Sunday service, the village also holds a civil ceremony on Armistice Day (the 11th hour of the 11 day of the 11 month)… this happens at a memorial silver birch coppice and stone which is found in the corner of the field adjacent to the Honeybourne road. Although there are no clock chimes associated with the church clock, the ringers always make sure there is someone to ring the eleven blows for this event too.


Tree Lighting

In early December there is a ‘Pebworth In Bloom’ tree lighting ceremony in the church yard. This teatime event marks the beginning of Christmas, as Pebworth normally does not get a service on Advent weekend.

Everyone meets outside the church to sing carols and rejoice as the trees in the church yard are illuminated jointly by the youngest and oldest residents in attendence. Following this… it is into the church for mulled wine, mince pies and a chance to socialise and sing a bit more!

Carol Service

The Carol Service is the busiest service of the year, so do make sure you come early to get a good seat!

It is a traditional service of readings and carols and always includes a number of entertaining Christmas themed readings as well as some of the traditional bible readings telling the Christmas story of Christs birth in a Bethlehem stable.

Our beautiful Christmas tree is adorned with white baubles in remembrance of loved ones and each year new baubles are dedicated.

There is a pop-up choir that perform several musical treats and sometimes the hand bell ringers will chime out some carols too… but most importantly, there is lots of opportunity for everyone to join in and sing all the old favourites!


The Crib Service...

On the afternoon of Christmas Eve, St Peter’s holds a crib service for the children and families. 

The service runs for about 30 minutes and is a mixture of carols, activities to prepare the crib and the telling the of the Christmas Story.

Working with the village school...

Learning about Palm Sunday

There is a strong link between church as school and the children come to church for visits several times a year….


School Easter visit
School Easter visit
Working with Mrs Spencer our church warden and active school helper.